

Friday, February 10, 2012

Organize Your Lives Online With Clipix

I don't know how it always seems to happen so quickly, but here we are welcoming in yet another new year. I often consider how life must really zip by quickly for individuals who are disorganized, since they are often running late, in a frenzy looking for misplaced things, or in a panic because they forgot to pay a bill or do some other important task. My wish for you this season is that you encounter the contentment and joy that comes from being structured and in management.

Life is stressful enough. Adding extra adverse pressure to your daily life is not healthy for anyone. You may tell yourself that you don't have time, energy or space to stay organized. You may tell yourself that you were born that way and can't change. FACT: You will spend more time looking for things, running around or trouble-shooting missed deadlines or appointments than if you spent that time organizing yourself in the first place. Think about it - how much time or money does procrastinating, searching or running around needlessly cost you every day?

We all have pressure in our daily life - we will never be able to remove all together. But, we can do some things which reduce that pressure. The most important is to get organized! It will save you time and money - you can't afford to waste either. To get started will be hard but it is the first step to a more organized life. Once you start, you will be impressed by how easy it is to get organized..

So what you can really do about this matter? Do not worry, clipix will solve some of our problem. Basically it is a free and useful tool that is changing the way we organize our lives online which maintain customized privacy settings so we can organize our online life and share only with people we want to grant access to our clipboards.

To try it out, first and foremost you must register for an account. You can simply click “Signup with Facebook” to connect to clipix using your pre-existing Facebook account or you can click “Signup with Twitter” to connect to clipix using your pre-exsiting Twitter account. If you prefer not to connect with Facebook or Twitter you can also use your regular old email address by clicking “or signup with email”. It's free by the way. So there's no excuse for not give it a shot.

Then you must drag a bookmark called the "Clip" button to your bookmarks bar and click it whenever you see anything online that you want to come back to. Generally, a clip could be anything: an article, a book you want to read, a gift idea, a funny video...the list goes on and on. Let's say you see an interesting article but you have no time to read at the moment. You’d click your “Clip” button and in the window that comes up you’d choose an image for your clip, choose which clipboard to add it to, and write a little description. And that’s it! The article is saved to one of your clipboards for when you have time to go back to it. You can also clip your favorite books too.


You organize all your clips in customized clipboards and you can create a clipboard for anything imaginable; interesting articles you want to read, gift ideas, comparison shopping, home decorating. The possibilities are literally endless. Sharing clipboards on clipix is about sharing with people who care. To share a clipboard click the "human +" icon in the upper right-hand corner of a clipboard. Choose “Share as a clipboard” to send a copy of the clipboard to a friend on clipix who will then be able to add it to their own clipix. Choose “Share as a syncboard” and choose the friends you’d like to start syncing with. When anyone on the syncboard adds a clip you’ll all see it appear in real-time on your own copy of the syncboard. It’s a little something we call “collaborative clipping.” You can also share a clipboard on Facebook, Twitter, or in an email using the icons in the lower left-hand corner of the clipboard.

Honestly, I'm still in a process of "to know any further", so I can't tell you much more info about this awesome tool. Need more time to play around. Since you're reading this post, why don't you give it a try and share your experience here. Different people have a different reviews, isn't it? :)

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